Brave Reaches 8 Million Monthly Active Users

Blockchain Daily
5 min readOct 18, 2019


Brave continues to grow with 2.8 million daily active users and 8 million active users a month.


There are also over 290,000 Brave Verified Publishers. 200,000 of those are YouTube creators, 33,000 are website publishers or creators, 15,000 are Twitch streamers, and since we announced our support for Twitter tipping on August 1st, 28,000 Twitter accounts have joined to receive Basic Attention Tokens (BAT).

Since Brave launched opt-in Brave Ads just over six months ago, we have seen a huge surge in partnerships. In the wake of privacy scandals, as well as GDPR and CCPA requirements becoming clear, leading agencies and brands want to transition to relevant, brand-safe, and privacy-friendly advertising. Brave Ads preserve users’ privacy, and reward them with 70% of the ad revenue.

To date, there have been 385 campaigns on the Brave platform, sparking 97 million ad confirmation events. Platform engagement is extremely high, with a click-through rate of 14% (the industry average is just 2%). More importantly, 12% of click-throughs result in page visits of 10 seconds or longer. There have been 2.36 million 10-second active page visits overall.

Campaign and Partner Updates

Intel Gamer Days 2019

Intel ran a Brave Ads campaign for Intel Gamer Days 2019, which included leveraging Brave Ads as a social driver to reward participation for spreading the word about the upcoming Gamer Days events.

Brave users viewed an ad to click and tweet to score merchandise from Brave and Intel. Instead of a typical landing page, a pre-formatted tweet was displayed with the campaign message. Ten people that tweeted the message were randomly selected each day to win a Thule-branded Intel Gaming backpack, loaded with merchandise from the Brave Store.

Many of the winners tweeted photos of the merchandise in excitement.

Continuing their partnership with The Giving Block, the latest Brave Ads Grant was awarded to The Lupus Foundation of America. The Brave Ads Grant program provides advertising for good causes.

“The Giving Block and Brave developed this program as a way for nonprofits to gain exposure to the blockchain community. Regular ads on social media or Google aren’t able to target this community as directly. In the first 5 days of the Brave campaign, we’ve seen a click through rate of about 11%. That compares with an industry average of 2% for Google AdWords” — Patrick Duffy, The Giving Block

The Lupus Foundation of America verified their website as a Brave Creator, providing the opportunity for Brave Ads to drive people directly to their site to tip and auto-contribute, in addition to traditional contribution options.

Brave is also sponsoring the Walk to End Lupus in San Francisco on October 20th. More information is available here.

Brave and Media Partnership

In July, Brave and announced a media partnership, consisting of Brave becoming the recommended browser for, and a 90 day advertising collaboration. Leveraging the introduction of support for Brave Ads on Android in July, Brave ran several iterations of ads over the course of the campaign, with the goal of driving new visits to and the Theta Network infrastructure it’s built on.

Over the course of the campaign, Brave was able to drive nearly half a million visits to, with around 10% of visits lasting 10 seconds or longer. also ran a media mix of traditional banners to get people to switch to Brave, and produced various creative banners in order to integrate Brave into their rewards badges and other areas of their website. As a result, and Theta drove over 250,000 visits to Brave.

The campaign served a valuable purpose of driving people to both and Brave; both companies are innovating with token economic models, which have the ability to overlap within Brave. We’re looking forward to continuing the partnership between our companies.

R/GA selects Brave for its Venture Studio

Brave was among six companies chosen from 1,000+ contenders for the R/GA Oregon Enterprise Blockchain Venture Studio (OEBVS). It joins Chronicled, a record-keeping platform; Concord, a contract management platform; Everest, a blockchain value transfer and identity platform; qiibee, a company that uses blockchain for company loyalty programs; and Patientory, a blockchain-based health data platform. All six startups provide solutions to 21st century business needs, and are at the forefront of blockchain technology. The companies will work creatively and collaboratively with OEBVS partners of the studio, including Moda, Umpqua Bank, Portland State University, Oregon Health & Science University, Business Oregon, ConsenSys, and blockchain research firm Smith + Crown. You can read more about OEBVS here.

For Advertisers: Brave Ads Dashboard Updates

Advertisers on the Brave platform recently observed an updated interface, with hourly updates, as well as additional filters for visualizing campaign data. The dashboard has also been updated to include additional conversion data to help advertisers identify performant campaigns and messaging.


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